Interested in being on staff in 2025?
Applications are currently being accepted. Completed applications and references will be reviewed upon submission. The online form will open and you can save after each section if you need to return back to the application.
Hiring Process
Applications are currently be accepted now until all positions are filled!!
Application and references must be submitted through the online submission forms.
Once we’ve received your application and 4 references, we will review your application and contact you for an interview. It is your job to make sure the application and reference are all submitted. Please check progress of references often. Interviews will be scheduled in Columbia at the SCBC Building, 190 Stoneridge Dr., Columbia SC or by ZOOM starting in January until all positions are filled. At times we are in different parts of the state and so it is possible to schedule an interview closer to you.
After the interview you will be notified if a job is offered within 2-3 weeks.
If at any time after you’ve submitted your application you decide to make alternate plans for employment please contact us, as it would be helpful to know.

Are you a camper looking to join our staff?
Camp La Vida offers a Junior Staff position which is open to female campers who have completed 10th-12th grades. This position requires one week to be spent as a camper and up to 3 weeks as a volunteer Junior Staff member. In return, during their volunteer weeks of service they will receive free room and board, a camp t-shirt, a $10 canteen credit, and an invaluable experience that will enable growth and develop leadership skills. Our other positions, like Cabin Leaders-in-Training, are open to graduating 12th graders and up.